Our Work (A Small Sample)

“Lighting companies around the world are working feverishly to claim the crown of the “most suitable heir” to the incandescent bulb.  Some have even taken the audacious liberty of anointing themselves the successor to Thomas Edison’s beloved bulb.  Sure, common – energy-efficiency – sense dictates that it is time to reinvent the light bulb.  But it’s not just about efficiency.  Edison set a pretty high bar for light quality, as well he should have.  Light is not just the backdrop of our lives, it’s a fundamental ingredient of our very existence. “

John Goscha, Founder and CEO

Finally Light Bulb Company

Photograph Credit – ©2014 Rick Friedman All Rights Reserved

“Hunger is psychologically debilitating. It makes us sleepy, irritated, sluggish and lethargic. That’s why Nutrisystem provides well-researched, healthy, balanced nutrition choices to help consumers lose weight without feeling hungry. Even so, the irony is not lost: Nutrisystem helps hundreds of thousands of people manage daily exposure to over-abundance even as hundreds of millions of people cope daily with hunger and famine. That’s why we created NutriBank: a unique platform to deliver nutritious meals to hungry families worldwide.”

Janet Jackson, Co-Founder

“For too many years we have been building jails to hold young people who have failed.  They have failed because, to a great extent, we have failed them.   We have failed these children by not giving them the vision, the resources and the purpose they need to grow-up to be law-abiding, successful and contributing members of society.  We have failed them by leaving them vulnerable to drug abuse, gangs, violence, premarital sex and other social pathologies.  . . . If we all pitch in, we can make the American Dream live again for the next generation and the next century.  We can keep America’s Promise.” 

General Colin Powell (Ret.), Founder

America’s Promise 

Photograph Credit – ©Americanspirit | Dreamstime.com – Colin Powell Photo

“I felt disconnected from my body.  I survived the bus accident, spinal cord intact, but traumatized.  I was dependent upon paramedics, nurses and doctors.  For days, even weeks, any wrong move could have caused a paralyzing fracture.  As I lay there wrapped in uncertainty, my mind wandered.  “What can I do now to make myself better?”

Gloria Estefan, Campaign Director

The Buoniconti Fund to Cure Paralysis, Inc.

Photograph Credit – Stocklight / Shutterstock.com

“I was shocked when I learned that three out of four women feel their lives lack balance. uPumpItUp is a community: a dynamic environment where women are invited to share their hopes and fears about personal or professional challenges.  uPumpItUp serves as mentor, coach and facilitator; it encourages and challenges women to accomplish their personal ambitions in an exciting and supportive environment.  If we sustain each other, we can all find the balance we need.”

Mandy Moore, Chairperson

uPumpItUp (Crystal Light)

We can help you articulate, strengthen and galvinize your message.